SmartBiz 新聞和獎項
SmartBiz遵循SDG 企業大獎委員會的嚴格甄選程序,並於2021年8月7日被評為“符合可持續發展之企業”。
Co-founder & CTO Prof. Ir Spencer Li delivered a talk “How Does the after-COVID-19 “ABCDEF” effects model affect the development of Internet of Things and its Applications to improve Customer Experiences?“ in The International Conference on Advanced Engineering, Technology and Applications (ICAETA-2021), Turkey. Based on Prof. Li’s after-COVID-19 “ABCDEF” effects model defining “architectural framework for the decision-making process,” the paper examines how human factors and emerging technologies affect organizational behaviour on implementing the digital transformation of business processes by the adoption of the Internet of Things and its applications in pandemic corona diseases. Recently, ‘COVID-19 has radically changed the global economy by accelerating the digital transformation to create New Normal customer experiences (CX). This paper summarizes “next experience” initiatives by applying six pivotal elements of the ‘after-COVID-19 “ABCDEF” effects model - Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain/Big Data, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Emotion, and Fintech.’
The Palgrave Handbook of FinTech and Blockchain is the first multidisciplinary handbook of FinTech and blockchain covering finance, economics, and law within financial services technology. The handbook offers an extensive global discussion of structured finance, ICT, distributed ledger technology (DLT), data protection, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrencies includes discussions of cybersecurity and cryptography and how they relate to regulation, consumer protection, and financial stability. Co-founder & CTO Prof. Ir Spencer Li contributed the Chapter “How Does Digital Transformation Improve Customer Experience?” to share its expertise on digital transformation and new O2O customer journey.
經過多年專注於全球層面的業務成就,Corporate LiveWire認識到,大多數國際獎項計劃長期以來一直忽視小型和獨立企業的重要工作。Corporate Livewire Hong Kong Prestige Awards 2021/22旨在表彰在過去12個月中被認證為其市場上最好的中小型企業。 所有入圍的公司都被要求通過他們的工作證據、客戶的積極反饋、以前的認證和認可資訊以及概括其業務中最突出的部分來獲取提名。 評審團根據卓越服務、所提供產品/服務的品質、創新實踐、價值、道德或可持續工作方法以及績效的一致性等方面做出決定。被選中的獲獎者是那些最能展示他們在這些領域的優勢的人。
在疫情背景下,遠端辦公或服務已成為一種新趨勢。 在防疫基金下,創新科技署(創新科技署)推出「遙距營商計劃」,支援企業採用資訊科技方案,在疫情期間繼續經營及服務。 香港生產力促進局是該計劃的秘書處。
SmartBiz 與 Guru Online (Holdings) Limited 簽署合作夥伴關系,通過 O2O C3C (O2O無卡客戶管理) 系統為客戶提供全新 O2O 客戶體驗
SmartBiz 與Guru Online (Holdings) Limited (HKSE 8121)合作開發O2O C3C (O2O無卡客戶管理) 系統,以展示基於“ After-COVID-19 “ABCDEF”影響模型”的全新數位客戶體驗,特別是關於客戶旅程和情感。 Guru Online (Holdings) Limited是一家主要從事媒體及娛樂業務的香港上市投資控股公司。該公司通過四個業務部門運營︰數位廣告投放服務分部從事通過數位媒體提供廣告投放服務;社交媒體管理服務分部通過社交媒體平臺在公司簡介頁面上提供設置、維護和監控服務;創意及科技服務分部從事數位廣告的設計及文案、企業簡介頁面、網站及應用程式的製作,以及提供相關顧問服務;網際網路營銷平臺分部參與為旅游業提供網際網路營銷平臺。