Co-founder & CTO Prof. Ir Spencer Li’s journal paper “How Does COVID-19 Speed the Digital Transformation of Business Processes and Customer Experiences?” was published on The Special Issue on FinTech, Review of Business

This special issue features four papers covering key aspects of new technologies in financial services, while exploring the consequences of COVID-19.

Co-Founder and CTO Ir Prof. Spencer Li’s first article titled “How can COVID-19 accelerate the digital transformation of business processes and customer experience?” , especially customer experience. In other words, this article explores how organizations can accelerate the digital transformation of business processes for better customer experience while reducing exposure to COVID-19. After outlining the impact of COVID-19 on digital transformation, Spencer focuses on customer behavior while looking at a range of psychological effects, and examines how “customer experience leaders” outperform their competitors. He offers an original theoretical model, the post-COVID-19 “ABCDEF” effect model, which is defined as an “architectural framework for decision-making processes” that incorporates human factors and emerging technologies to manage in the next normal.